Leo's friend Cameron came to visit in Oct. It was Halloween. Cameron dressed up as a transformer and Leo dressed up as a spider and then in his flashing costume. They mostly practiced their martial arts and collected candy.

Cameron's mom Linna and sister Kate at the beach while Cameron practices his snorkeling:

For Halloween, Paul made a life-size, cardboard replica of Leo's head. He stuffed the Leo doll and put him on our doorstep to freak out our neighbors (which worked wonderfully). Here's Leo sitting on the Leo doll and being freaked out.

My sisters Kristin and Vicki and my niece Joylin came to visit last month:

Joylin and the "silver guy" street performer:

Paul, Joylin, Vicki and Kristin on the way to Hanuama Bay:

Leo doing the crazy lily pad jump at Wet N Wild:

Sometime during the craziness, we went kayaking out in Kailua bay and hiked Mokulua island.

Paul's parents, his sister Ann and her husband Mike came to visit last month. Here we are with Paul's parents at the Pali lookout:

Leo, Ann, Mike and Paul climbed Diamond Head. Leo climbed the stairs himself.

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