President Barreda today received a delegation of representatives of the IEA
The encounter of the IEA in Toledo supposes a recognition to the autonomic power model, based on the development of the renewable energies and the extension of the infrastructures that allow that development. Representatives of the Agency the International of Energía (AIE) today indicated their satisfaction to the power to celebrate in Castilla-La Mancha, concretely in Toledo, his 9º Scientific Encuentro that he will allow them, according to said the coordinator of the group, the Finnish Hannele Holttinen, to know the production systems of wind energy developed in the Independent Community and to try to advance thus in this field.
“Spain interests to us particularly since we know that it has a high level of penetration concerning the production of wind energy, therefore hoped that this encounter is very fruitful, because it does not give the opportunity to come and to work with the systems that already exist here”, indicated Holttinen after the encounter that the representatives of the IEA maintained with the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Jose Maria Barreda, in Toledo.
Indeed, Barreda remembered that, within Spain, Castilla-La Mancha is Community Independent pioneering in which to production of energies clean refers, while it remembered that the objective of the regional Government is to be able to produce, in 2012, more renewable energies of the consumed amount.
“And we are going to continue working in that direction, because we think that it is the suitable way”, among others pointed president Barreda, who did not want to take leave without before giving the welcome to Castilla-La Mancha to the delegation formed by 25 participants coming from 14 countries worldwide like Canada, Denmark, Germany, Japan, Sweden, Spain, the United States or Norway.
Against this background, Barreda explained to the representatives of the IEA the important effort that Castilla-La Mancha is also realising in the development the dependent clean energies of the sun, like photovoltaic and termosolar, while it remembered that it is being experienced with biomass to give value to forest products “and of having in better conditions our mounts and to agriculture”
“But of course we are developing and much the Aeolian energy because it has a great potential”, it pointed the president, who hoped that the encounter of the IEA in Toledo concludes successfully “because without a doubt it is important to improve the systems of wind energy so that it is still more efficient”.
Recognition to the autonomic power model
The encounter of the Agency the International of the Energy in Castilla-La Mancha supposes a recognition to the autonomic power model, based on the development of the renewable energies and the extension of the infrastructures that allow that development. The Agency the International of the Energy is an international organization created by the Organization for the Cooperation and the Economic Development (the OECD) after the crisis of the petroleum of 1973, that it looks for to coordinate the political energetics of his Member States in order to assure reliable energy, purchasable and clean one. Its initial objective era to coordinate the measures that will be necessary to assure the supplying petroleum, particularly in emergencia situations, with the purpose of to sustain the economic growth of their members. At present, after the changes undergone in the markets of the energy, the Agency worries about the three more excellent aspects of the political energetics: security energetics, economic development and protection of the environment.
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