Friday, May 24, 2024

Crawford Holes and Crawford Draw

Crawford Holes and Crawford Draw
Crawford Draw is also out by I-70 off Temple Mountain road. We spent most of the time in Crawford Holes, which is the more interesting narrow slot. This is NOT technical. By the time you get to Crawford Draw, it's pretty boring and wider. You park right next to the canyon. The drop in was a 5 ft jump and I admittedly had to climb onto Leo to get in because I'm just not a jumper. Here's the jump:

Leo showing off his ability to stick to the rock:

Leo mostly stems the slots. When they're narrower than this, he also uses his arms to swing like a monkey:

I, on the other hand, like to chimney. Here's a modified chimney. You're basically sitting and shifting over a bit, so it feels safe. It's slow and it doesn't work well with backpacks though. And its not the best for really narrow areas like this:

It was a long walk back to the car. It was about 6 miles all told, over nearly 5 hours.

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