Monday, February 9, 2009

Poop and stuff

We're sitting in the bathroom. Leo says "this poop is really big. It could rip my butt in half!"

I farted. I said "wasn't me - it was Daddy." Leo said, "no Daddy's not here". I said it was Pop-pop. Leo said, "no, Pop-pop is in NJ". I said it was Kyla, his friend at school. He said, "no, she's at school". He wouldn't even believe the barking spider excuse.

This morning Leo was being dramatic. He said, "Dammit! How many owies can I hold in one place?", pointing to his arm. He put his hand to his forehand and said, "duh!"

Later, while gluing his art (yes, in the morning before going to school), he said, "What is that smell? It's silent but violent!"

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