Friday, August 22, 2008

Yellowstone pictures

Of all the wildlife in Yellowstone, Leo decided he wanted to see buffalo most of all. We were pretty happy that we could satisfy that desire. There's more buffalo there than there are Japanese tourists. There were quite a few buffalo traffic jams from the buffaloes crossing the road.

We had a great visit to the Grand Prismatic Pool. Lots of cool colors, thermophiles, elk prints, and some dead dragonflies in the water.

Leo, getting into major trouble at Yellowstone Lake, after being repeatedly told NOT to walk into the lake. Note the wet shorts and soaking wet shoes.

We were more successful in this visit to Yellowstone Lake. No wet feet, just a lot of jumping on the "tree trampolines".

By this time, it was hard to keep Leo's attention by showing him 'yet another' geyser.

Paul's favorite - Morning Glory. It's a lot less beautiful now than it was when he saw it 20 years ago. Trash has clogged it up and changed the colors.

Paul pushed Leo up some scary steep, slippery slopes on the Yellowstone Falls hike. A lot of funny looks from the other hikers. But we wanted to do something besides sit around during naptime. Here Leo naps in style, in the cool shade of his stroller with mom's jacket to shade the sun.

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